Gladstone Salsa's first Birthday
Come and celebrate with us this milestone

I absolutely love living in Gladstone; why you would not? right located in the great barrier reef, full of opportunities, full of parks, and nice family life with my supportive husband and children. 

However one year ago it wasn't too perfect for me; being a Latin Dancer at Gladstone, I found my self-loving life but missing my sparkle; "dancing with more humans" 

The same year, I had to go to the Gold coast, and I was searching for a place to dance salsa or Bachata with more humans I was sick of dancing on my own. I found one place and another and another. My big surprise was I was dancing with people who have never been to Cuba, Colombia, or any other Latin country. However, they dance as good and many even better to Latin people. The passion these humans have for Latin Dancing was amazing and there was when I found my sparkle back.

I remember talking to Rebeca at sounds garden (one of the places in Brisbane, where all the dancers get together on Sunday) I told her how sad I was to not be able to do the same in my hometown, telling her I was scared to introduce Latin Dancing at Gladstone,  she looked at me and she said do it.  just why I needed that day. I was scared but I did it. Thank you, Rebeca.

I came to Gladstone and the first thing I did was talked to who was my dancing teacher at Gladstone Vicki, telling her what I wanted to bringing Latin dance to town. She has been an amazing supporter since then and has worked shoulder to shoulder with me, Thank you, Vicki, for all your dedication.

Like everything else in life, one good thing brings more good things, Mirna, Judy, Carito, Lenin, Jennifer, and Amanda, students who came to my classes since day one and never left; you guys have brought so much joy to my life. thank you for trusting me and for helping me be better every day.  

Let's celebrate Gladstone Salsa's birthday together.

Workshops with Natasha